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Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have been browsing the web and read some of your blogs. I noticed the english use. They were wonderful and I can't compare them to mine. Those blog posts include bombastic words and the way they are written is very fluent and coherent. I wish I could write like those people.

So for now I will type out my final product for the English assignment which contributes 50% of my CA marks. Here you go Ms Fox...

For this final post for the English assignment I am going to elaborate more on ways to distress. Don't worry the steps that I've put down are all positive and don't mean any harm...

Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response.

Distress is a negative stress response. It occurs when stress continues without relief. Distress disturbs the body's internal balance causing physical and emotional symptoms: headache, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, insomnia, depression, panic attack and anxiety.

Stress is a part of life. Knowing ways to manage stress can be beneficial.

Steps that you can take to distress:

1]Make time to relax
Find ways of relaxing. Learn how to meditate or use relaxation exercises. Listen to soothing music. Take a bath. Do whatever helps you relax. If needed learn stress management or biofeedback techniques from healthcare professionals, as healthy ways to manage stress.

2]Maintain a normal routine
As much as possible, try to stick to a normal daily routine. Limit additional responsibilities. Learn to say "No."

3]Maintain a healthy diet
Focus on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid excessive sugar, fatty foods and caffeine. Use alcohol(for adults) in moderation and don't try and self-medicate which can make the distress worse.

4]Include exercise in part of your day
Participating in some kind of moderate exercise activity for at least 30 minutes on most days helps relieve stress, boost energy levels, aid sleep and improve mood. Exercise is also good for the heart, lungs and mind. Activities include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics, hiking.

5]Keep a positive attitiude
Holding positive thoughts, rather than succumbing to a negative one can help in maintaining a positive attitude. Think positively about yourself. Surrounding yourself with positive and inspiring people can help elevate your mood.

6]Participate in activities you enjoy
Make time for hobbies and other interests. Read a good book. Garden. Knit. Be part of a sports team. Keep a journal. Work on Crafts. Volunteer your services. Assist someone in need.

7]Get enough sleep
Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night will make it easier to cope with stress and distress. A well-rested person is more alert and quick thinking and less irritable, grouchy and tense.

8]Talk to a trusted person
Talking with someone about intense feelings when distressed can be helpful. Share feelings with a trusted friend, family member, healthcare professional or clergy. Sharing the distress helps to lessen the feelings of distress. Some find that participating in a support group with others who have experienced similar situations or events can also be helpful in easing distress.

9]Learn to adapt instead of control
Accept that there will be situations, events and people throughout life that you are unable to control. Learning to be flexible, to roll with the punches and ride the waves can help in reducing stress.

10]Remember to laugh
Laughter is one of the best medicines; it releases chemicals into the brain that promote relaxation. People who are able to find humor in life and are happier tend to be more productive live longer and have less physical problems. Maybe a good laugh a day will help keep the stressors away.

Scribbled @ 2:35 AM

Friday, January 30, 2009

I have been thinking on what post to write for today and finally remembered that Aizat introduced to me the so called parody of Hey There Delilah sung by Plain White T's. Instead of the song above it is titled Hey There Khalailah. I am not to sure on who sang this song but I really find it funny in terms of the words used, animation of the video and the modifications made. Here is the video. Sit back, relax and enjoy...

Hey There Khalailah

Here are the lyrics for the song above:

Hey there, Khalilah, what’s it like in Baghdad City?
I’m 3,000 miles away but girl tonight you’re looking pretty
Can’t you see?
You’re looking really hot, baby. Literally.

Hey there, Khalilah, I am at my latest booking
But I’m writing you tonight to say how much I miss your cooking
So I sob.
Wipe all my tears up with a mop. There’s no kabob.

Oh, it’s how you cook the meat. How you cook the meat.

Hey there Khalilah, you stay good and cook some coosa
Til I’m back there making money at the Improv in Falluja
Give it time.
I’m bombing really bad this time. No, not that kind.

Hey there, Khalilah, if I must eat one more Twinkie
Well I might just have to lick my arm and then bite off my pinky
What a scene. The only Arab food I see’s
Attached to me

Oh, it’s how you cook the meat. How you cook the meat.

3,000 miles is far away, but I just want kabob today
I’d eat it all up with a knife and fork.
Why am I so far from you? All they have here is bar-b-que
Which would be good except I don’t eat pork.
The ketchup here is really bad, the mustard’s not a deadly gas
This pizza box tastes better, that’s for sure
And it’s cardboard

Hey there, Khalilah, you’re tahini on falafal
No, you’re not sesame paste but girl I just can’t eat without you
So you know. I’ll have kabob when I get home.
And chug rose water like a pro
Cuz I do not like Domino’s
Oh no I don’t.

Don't you think the song is funny? Actually this a story about a man who misses his wife very much and misses the wife's cooking and stuff.

I liked the seventh verse best because of the way the food is described. In whole i love this song and hope you guys will too...

PS: When watching the video pause the song and there might be technical problems with the video.

Scribbled @ 4:22 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama's popularity has really spread around the world. Everything from streets, hotels and even people are being named after the newly elected president of the United States of America.

For one magazine photographer in Indonesia, it is not the name Obama that has thrown him into fame but rather his face.It's Ilham Anas, an Indonesian magazine photographer who bears a striking resemblance to the president-elect. The 34-year-old is now collecting paychecks as an Obama look-alike.

The look of Ilham Anas was noticed when his colleagues played a practical joke on him by making him wear a suit, tie and taking pictures of him posing as Mr Obama. The photographer is already a celebrity in Obama's former hometown, Jakarta, and is set to reach greater heights. He has been offered several contracts to be an Indonesian TV star.

Filipino drug company has cast Anas in a commercial showing him dressed as Obama visiting the Philippines, and he has also received marketing offers from Indonesian and South Korean companies.

Anas, who was born and raised in Bandung, West Java, said he feels lucky to resemble Obama.

"I never thought I would be a star in a commercial, then this happened. It's very fortunate," Anas said.

"I was in the airport in Malaysia in transit and a man approached me and asked: 'Are you Obama?'. I was very surprised when he asked to take a picture together and bought me a meal," said Anas, flashing a broad smile.

If he ever gets the chance to meet Obama, Anas said he would ask the U.S. president to take a firm stance in dealing with the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Scribbled @ 4:10 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ah... It feels so great to go to the beach again as it has been a long time since I went there. Usually I will go there with my auntie and younger sister but this time round I brought my grandmother who is bedridden and maids along. It has been around more than 3 years since she went to the beach. You guys might not believe it but we actually travelled to the beach by car a Chevrolet Spark. You guys might be laughing as the car is pretty small and you guys might be wondering how on earth would she fit into the car with the wheelchair. After around 15 minutes of thinking we got an idea. We quickly carried her into the car and travelled smoothly to the beach. Upon reaching there, my grandmother was starting to whine. My sister asked her what she wanted and she replied that she was craving for an ice-cream. We went to the a nearby shop to buy the ice-cream and after doing so, we found out that my grandmother and the maids were missing. Painstakingly we tried our best to find them. We walked through the pathway and noticed that one of our maids was walking towards us. My auntie asked,"Where is kunda?" If you want to know I call her kunda as 'KU' means she is from the royal family and in royal language we call grandmothers 'NEKNDA'. My maid replied that my grand mother was resting underneath a roof as she was feeling tired. As soon as we found her we started to play Frisbee. It was very fun. Afterwards we took a dip into the sea. As time passes by when you are having too much fun, it was time to go home. I actually took some pictures but they are in my auntie"s camera. Sorry.
I might be able to post them on the next post. Oh! I almost forgot. You guys might find it weird on why am i writing a post instead of going to school. Actually there are people from MOE who are coming to my school. The teachers have to go for an interview thus lessons will start much later. Goodbye now. Think I would need to prepare for school. Goodbye

Scribbled @ 7:02 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hello all. This post is a review on Mr George W. Bush's 'macho' policies which led to some serious repercussions. I do hope this post will allow you to give some serious thought on this issue. I shall remain steadfast to my opinion though. Bush may have altered the policies of the White House, transferring more power to the Vice President, allowing good reforms like anti-AIDS campaigns etc. but his international policies of "democracy" have brought nothing but trouble.

-Benjamin and Syahrul.

Taken from http://edition.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/14/bush.international.legacy/index.html

CNN Washington-- In the eyes of the world, President Bush is a bully engaging in "cowboy diplomacy" who has hurt America's image abroad or a liberator who has freed millions from tyranny.

But few would doubt that he was a man willing to act on the world's stage.

Considering Bush's history before he entered the Oval Office, it is somewhat surprising that his actions in the international sphere will largely define his presidency.

During the 2000 election, then-Texas Gov. George Bush's lack of international experience was not viewed as a liability, and many expected him to focus on domestic issues like education reform and Social Security.

But 9/11 changed that. While admitting that the rhetoric he used could have been less harsh, Bush is unapologetic about his muscular response to the terrorist attacks -- first with the invasion of Afghanistan, and then of Iraq -- that would largely define his international legacy.

"Around the world we assembled a coalition of more than 90 nations to fight terrorism and advance the cause of freedom, in the great ideological struggle of our time," Bush said at a farewell address at the State Department Thursday. "In short, we made our alliances stronger, we made our nation safer, and we have made our world freer."

And on Wednesday, Bush told CNN's Larry King, "I told the American people I wouldn't tire and I wouldn't falter, and I haven't."

Supporters say Bush does not get enough credit for preventing a terrorist attack on the U.S. since the 9/11 attacks or for liberating millions from tyranny in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"It's a stunning achievement by any measure," said Nile Gardner, a senior foreign policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. "President Bush has liberated more people from tyranny since Franklin Delano Roosevelt."

But the final outcomes in Iraq and Afghanistan are far from clear, and, Robert Guttman, director of the Center on Politics and Foreign Relations at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, says Bush must be faulted for the poor planning and execution of the war in Iraq -- a war that will go on well beyond his time in office.

"You start a war and you don't end a war in your administration? That's terrible," said Guttman, who believes that "history will show that the Iraq war ... was poorly handled."

"If Iraq becomes a thriving democracy ... he'll be judged well," Guttman said, "but the chances of that are one in a trillion."

And Guttman said Bush cannot be excused for failing to capture the man behind the attacks on 9/11.

"He's going to leave office without finding the man who killed more than 3,000 Americans," he said.

The world's opinion of the United States has eroded during Bush's presidency because of decisions like invading Iraq.

A Pew report released in December found that favorability ratings for the United States had fallen between 2002 and 2007 in 26 of the 33 countries polled.

"In the view of much of the world, the United States has played the role of bully in the school yard, throwing its weight around with little regard for others' interests," the authors of the Pew study wrote.

Many of Bush's critics say he wasted an opportunity to unite the world when sympathy for the U.S. was at an all-time high after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

While much of the world "loves America," John Hopkins' Guttman said, "Bush put them in a state of shock" because he presented a cavalier attitude that did not live up to their image of America.

Bush's willingness to disregard world opinion led to the characterization of U.S. foreign policy as "cowboy diplomacy" during his eight years in office.

"I don't think a lot of people thought he was there to listen. He knew all the answers," Guttman said.

And many critics say Bush damaged America's moral standing abroad by allowing what they consider torture at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and and the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

While admitting during his last news conference that "Abu Ghraib, obviously, was a huge disappointment," Bush strenuously disagreed with the idea that the image of the U.S. was diminished during his time in office.

"I strongly disagree with the assessment that our moral standing has been damaged," he said. "It may be damaged amongst some of the elite, but people still understand America stands for freedom, that America is a country that provides such great hope."

The Heritage Foundation's Gardner said that "the anti-Bush rhetoric is harsh and unwarranted" and that the anti-American reaction in Europe and in the Middle East was an inevitable result of "the U.S. flexing its muscles."

And the controversy over the war in Iraq and the the world's negative views of Bush often overshadow many of the positive things Bush achieved during his presidency -- particularly the anti-AIDS and anti-malaria efforts he has championed.

"The future impression of Bush will be more favorable," Gardner said.

Bush himself appears to face his future judges. While admitting he has made mistakes, he did not express any regrets about the fundamental decisions of his presidency.

"In terms of the decisions that I had made to protect the homeland, I wouldn't worry about popularity ... because all these debates will matter naught if there's another attack on the homeland," Bush said during his final news conference as president Monday.

"You stand by your decisions and you do your best to explain why you made the decisions you made," he said.


Scribbled @ 9:26 PM

Ah...glad that you all have been waiting for my third post. The week went past very quickly and I've been loaded with many assignments from various subjects such as AEP- I have to design a typography image. The one on the right is the 50% completed image as I'm not to sure on how to do the others. I have to write an essay for Literature on 'Why do we study Shakespeare'. I also have maths TFU project. We have to find out the diameter of our school crest which is placed on a wall a few metres from the ground. At first i thought that it was almost impossible but my maths TFU group which comprises of me, Benjamin, Christopher and Aizat. Chris likes to trash talk but i kind of like it. There are still lots of assignments that I've to do. Since the list is very long I'm forced not to say anymore. Ok this might be the end of this blog post. Still got work to do.Goodbye:))

Scribbled @ 12:54 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sorry for the late post people. You all might think that this blog is already dead but fortunately it is not. So I'm going to tell you all on what happened in school just now. First thing about the O' levels. Victoria school did pretty well for this year and managed to clinch an average score of 10 if I do remember correctly. Since the last year batch of secondary 4s did well Mr Low our school principal declared a full day off on the 28th of this month which falls on a Thursday many of us were happy and will be looking forward to that day. Soon after assembly we made our ways to our respective mother tounge classes and continued with lessons. We carried on moving to other classes for other subjects such as Math. This is when the problem starts. I started to feel giddy and could not really control myself as the pain was sharp and excruciating. The feeling was as if someone in my head was hitting a bell endlessly. You all might think of why I am stilll blogging despite the pain. Actually I am feeling much better but I don't think I might be able to revise what I've learnt today but I'll try my very best. Luckily today's homework was not that much and I was able to finish them around half-an-hour ago. I would really like to continue blogging but I really have to get some sleep as I am afraid that the pain might be coming back. I really hope that you all will continue visiting my blog. Wait for my next post!

Scribbled @ 5:47 PM


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January 2009



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